Member-only story
She Can’t Breathe
Unknown number of women & girls are struggling to breathe in Tigray region of Ethiopia where darkness has reigned for nearly 4 months. They are being raped, their voices silenced and their stories being told by those who are using it for political gains.
On November 3, 2020, Ethiopia, yet again, was getting into a deadly war with itself. The conflict was between the central government and the state of Tigray that houses over 7 million people. The government assured supporters (and foes) that there will be no civilian suffering and life will go back to normal in a matter of 3 days. Following the announcement, Tigray and her people were cut off from the world. Electric power, telephone & internet were disconnected. Absolutely no national or foreign media were allowed in.
As days progressed, stories of sexual abuse began to surface. People fleeing the conflict zone and seeking refuge in Sudan started reporting the horrific ordeals happening to innocent civilians. Those following the development closely urged Ethiopian authorities to act immediately.
Just 20 days into the conflict, the UNFPA estimated that there were about 150 survivors of gender-based violence in need of assistance. This report was only for women who fled the country. Those who couldn’t were trapped. The atrocities were being committed by Ethiopian & Eritrean troops who descended on the state for…